Green Carpet Brooklyn

Oriental Rug Color Restoration

Oriental rug Color Restoration

Color bleeding in the rug can be a major problem as it can significantly impact the carpet’s appearance. It needs immediate addressing and treatment to keep the Oriental rug look as good as new. Nevertheless, there are services available that can help you with this problem.

If you are worried about the color of your Oriental rug fading, then we have the solution right here. Green Carpet Brooklyn can help you with Oriental rug color restoration with its robust methods.

Our experts have years of experience when it comes to Oriental rug repair and restoration. Color fading is a common problem for carpet owners. However, it is completely preventable by taking the right care of your carpet.

By following a few tips, you can ensure that your carpet retains the same color and shine. Let’s look at the factors that cause damage to the coloring of the Oriental rug.

Factors Leading to Color Loss in Oriental Rugs

Numerous factors can be the cause of the color bleeding. These factors also contribute to damaging the structure of your oriental rug. Also, the fiber used in the making of the carpet is a key reason for a change in its color.

Synthetic fibers are colorfast in comparison with fibers like wool and silk. Here are some of the common reasons behind fading and color bleeding.

1. Not using the Proper Cleaning Method

Oriental rugs require special care and attention than a regular rug. If you use the same cleaning method of an ordinary rug on an Oriental rug, it is likely to become the reason for color fading.

Ideally, it is best to get your carpet cleaned by a professional company like Green Carpet Brooklyn. Cleaning Oriental carpets on your own can sometimes lead to damages to the rug. Therefore, it is best to let the cleaning of carpet on the experts.

2. Using Bleach

Another reason for color fading is the use of bleach on your carpet. People tend to make the mistake of cleaning their carpets with bleach, thinking it will be better for the carpet.

You need to avoid using bleach on your carpet at any cost. Not only will it damage the color of your carpet, but it will harm the fibers and the fringes of the carpet as well.

3. Spilling Drinks or Liquid on the Carpet

Carpets are the center of attention in a family or friend gathering. During the party, there is a chance that someone might spill their drinks on the carpet. Or, if you have pets or babies wandering around your house, they might end up wetting the carpet.

Urine is a highly acidic liquid. It is the primary cause of damages to the color and the fibers of your rug. You need to contact a professional cleaner for Oriental rug color restoration and cleaning services to clear of the urine stains and odor.

4. Flooding or Moisture

Moisture can be harmful to the carpet as it can damage the colors. Most people don’t dry up the solution they use for cleaning the carpet and leave it as it is. The fibers absorb the moisture, and the darker colors start to turn into light.

Therefore, it is vital to thoroughly dry the solution you use on the carpet after the cleaning process. Also, use water at room temperature for cleaning as cold or hot water can be detrimental to the structure of the rugs.

It will be best to check for the colorfastness of the rug before exposing it to the water. You can clean a small area of the carpet with water to check if the colors change or not.

5. Applying Wrong Chemicals on the Carpet

Many times, people try to fix the carpet on their own by using different substances or paints. Without proper knowledge about what chemicals to use, you might end up damaging your carpet.

The fiber of the carpet is sensitive to any such chemicals and will damage the structure of the carpet. Therefore, it is not a good idea to use any stain removers, paints, or detergents on your carpet.

If the carpet has some damages, contact a professional service provider for the Oriental rug repair and restoration rather than doing it on your own.

What is the Process for the Oriental rug Color Restoration?

If the color of your Oriental carpet is fading away, you don’t have to worry about it. With the new tools and technologies, Oriental rug repair and restoration is more than easy.

With the right color combinations along with restoration methods, you can get the same appearance as the rug, making it good as new. All you have to do is give Green Carpet Brooklyn a call, and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Our processes are quite straightforward to understand. As a result, you have a clear picture of the color restoration process involved in restoring the appeal of the carpet.

Here are the two common ways through which we can help you:

  • Rug Re-dying

Re-dying the colors is a common technique that our dye masters use for restoring the colors. We first assess the quality of the fiber and then choose to either apply synthetic or natural dyes. In addition, we take into consideration your preference and then suggest the best solution for your carpet.

  • Rug Painting

Another common way for the restoration of the colors of the carpet is through rug painting. Rug painting is crucial since it entails two things:

  1. Using the correct paints that don’t have any harmful chemicals in it
  2. Proper skills to carefully apply the paint on the carpet.

It is a time-consuming solution to the problem as the painters have to paint the carpet with their own hands. But the final results will make your carpet look good as new.

  • Oriental Rug Color Restoration Process

Here is a summary of the process that we use for the Oriental rug color restoration:

  • Removing the debris and dirt particles
  • Cleaning the carpet by removing any moisture or stains on it
  • Dying the affected area with syringes or using other equipment as per the requirement
  • Using brushes to carefully paint the patterns on the carpet

How to Keep the Colors of Oriental Carpet from Fading or Bleeding?

The bleeding of colors indicates that the carpet is facing structural damage. It is vital to take care from the beginning so there are no damages to the foundation of the carpet. If you spot any color bleeding, contact a company that offers the Oriental rug color restoration services.

Proper care and maintenance are imperative to ensure the colors of the Oriental carpet do not bleed. That is why you need to follow some of the steps below to ensure that the appearance of the carpet remains the same throughout its life:

  • Conduct a Dye Test

By conducting a dye test, you can find the type of dye colors of your carpet. Immerse your carpet in a tub of lukewarm water. You can also use a high pH solution to perform a dye test if you want. It is essential to test both the top and back of the rug.

The exterior and internal rug fibers need to be tested as well. To colorfast your carpet and retain its brilliant colors, use a dye stabilizer or dye lock substance. If you’re initial hot water test revealed color migration, this step is complete.

  • Avoid keeping it in Excessive Sunlight

Another thing that you need to do is keep your carpet away from sunlight. Excessive sunlight can be harmful to your Oriental rugs and one of the main contributors to color bleeding. It is best to keep them in a room which does not have access to too much sunlight.

If you don’t have a room with little sunlight, then draw the curtains in the room. As a result, it will prevent the UV rays from damaging the dye of the carpet. It also reduces the chances of damages that will lead to high Oriental rug repair and restoration costs.

  • Make use of the Re-dyeing Services

Early identification of color bleeding can help you prevent further damage to your carpet. It is why you need to keep an eye on the corners and sides of the carpet to look for anything suspicious. Once you see a slight change, get it fixed immediately.

You can take the services of a dye master who has the skills to blend the colors to give it the same look as good as new.

  • Prevent it from Any Damages

Last but not least, prevention is better than treatment. Owning an Oriental rug mandates proper care and attention to keep its value and appearance the same. You have to keep an eagle’s eye to keep it safe from any damages.

Keep any liquids away from the carpet. If you have any children or pets, keep the carpet in an area where they don’t go too often.

Additionally, use the proper tools and methods to clean the carpet. If you are not confident about it, then contact a professional to do the job. Also, it is best to change the position of the rug from time to time to save it from exposing it to the sunlight.

Wrapping Up

Oriental rugs are no doubt any aesthetic set of our home decor. Whether you take them out at parties or keep them in the room throughout the year, they always give the room an amazing look. With Oriental rug repair and restoration from time to time, you can keep them good as new.

The color of the rugs plays an important part in giving it the look it has. They increase the value and beautify the carpet with the amazing color combination. Therefore, watching the colors of your favorite rug fade away cannot be a pleasant sight.

If you want to get the services of Oriental rug color restoration, Green Carpet Brooklyn is here to help you out with anything you need regarding your rugs. Our experts have years of experience when dealing with issues relating to the color of carpets.

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