Green Carpet Brooklyn

8×10 Area Rug Cleaning

8x10 Area Rug Cleaning

Whether you add an 8×10 Area rug in your living space, dining space, or kid’s room, it will make the room look more spacious. However, the rule is to choose the right place for the rugs.

These rugs are an incredible replacement for wall-to-wall carpeting. It also protects your floors in high-traffic areas such as hallways and living rooms. That’s why they easily get dirty and require 8×10 area rug cleaning twice a year for restoration. Green Carpet Brooklyn cleans rugs using advanced tools and techniques in their facility. They have highly skilled technicians with years of experience.

Reasons Why 8x10 Area Rug Cleaning is Necessary

It is important to keep your area rug clean. Professional cleaning reduces the smell and keeps the rug clean from dust and mites. Here are six reasons why you should consult a professional rug cleaning service in Brooklyn:

1. Dirt and Greasy Residue

Oily residue and dirt enter inside the house from foot traffic and pets. The residue dries on the carpet and locks the dirt in the fibers. When excessive dirt builds up inside the rug it changes the color and structure as well as lessens up the fibers. You need to identify the problem in time to prevent this issue from getting permanent.

2. Wear and Tear

Have you ever inspected your 8×10 area rug closely? If not, then you should. But stay ready to get surprised because the dirt accumulation inside the rug would be massive. Normal vacuum cleaners are incapable of collecting the dirt from deep inside the fibers. Dirt accumulation between the fiber cause wear and tear, especially the dust mites that feed upon woolen fibers. In this case, hiring a professional 8×10 area rug cleaning service is highly important.

3. Health Problems

Carpet and rugs work as air filters in the house. They trap harmful contaminants for the air such as fungi, pollen, chemicals, and bacteria. Furthermore, they also remove pollutants including cigarette tars, residues, and smoke. This might sound terrible, right?

The situation gets even worse when the rugs are completely loaded with pollutants. Once, the rug is full, they release harmful contaminants, polluting the air. That’s why experts suggest that you should clean your rug twice a year. Do you notice that the air quality inside the home is not good? If yes, then you should send your rugs to a professional rug cleaning service for deep cleaning.

4. Allergic Reactions

As we discussed above, dust mites infest 8×10 area rugs and feed on fiber. They release droppings inside that can trigger an asthma attack. Furthermore, they also trap allergy-inflaming proteins that trigger rhinitis, eczema, and asthma attacks. Many people try numerous solutions to improve air quality inside the home. They never look underneath their foot.

People with environmental allergies develop serious health problems. Keep in mind that dirty rugs cause serious health issues in healthy people as well. Professional 8×10 area rug cleaning is an optimal solution to prevent allergic reactions. Also, it keeps the internal air quality breathable in the home.

5. Increased Weight

Did you notice that your rug is getting heavier with time? If yes, then the rug fibers have accumulated excessive dirt. Carpets carry four times more dirt than their weight. Besides dirt, it also collects pet urine, pet hair, volatile organic compound, and other types of allergens. Bacteria, mold, and dust mites clinging on the rugs also have weight.

You can remove the dirt and other harmful contaminants with regular vacuum cleaning. However, things get out of your hands when excessive contaminants build up in the carpet fibers. In this case, you must consult Green Carpet Brooklyn for close inspection and deep cleaning.

How Professionals Can Help With 8x10 Rug Cleaning?

Reliable rug cleaning companies such as Green Carpet Brooklyn have relevant experience. Also, they use necessary tools to bring back the new look of your rug. They will use efficient products that don’t contain harmful chemicals. Here are some benefits to working with a professional company in Brooklyn to revive your 8×10 area rug to its original condition.

1. Thorough Carpet Cleaning

Green Carpet Brooklyn removes the stains, dirt, allergens, and bacteria from the surface and fibers of the rugs. Deep cleaning is difficult for residents as they don’t have the proper tools and techniques to reach deep inside the rug. However, a professional rug cleaning company has complete equipment to restore the rug to its original condition.

Furthermore, cleaning the 8×10 rug requires skills that residents don’t have. Technicians with extensive years of experience know effective agents and tools that remove stains, odor, and contaminants from different types of rugs.

2. Time-Efficient Cleaning

When highly skilled technician removes the dirt and contaminants from the rug, they know what they are doing. However, when DIY, residents are not aware of the optimal technique. Therefore, they make mistakes and try different techniques. This would be time-consuming, especially in busy offices and commercial settings.

Therefore, you should consult a professional rug cleaning service and save your precious time. Also, using ineffective cleaning agents and equipment might destroy the rug. So, you shouldn’t take the risk of cleaning the rug all alone.

3. Cost-Effective Cleaning

Many Brooklyn residents get their rugs cleaned once in six months or once in a quarter from professional rug cleaning services. However, purchasing highly expensive machines and cleaning products is not a budget-friendly idea. Also, renting bulky equipment requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, hiring a professional and reliable rug cleaning company is the perfect decision.

4. Removal of Stubborn Stains

Professional rug cleaning companies use proven cleaning solutions to remove stubborn stains and spots from the carpet. They know which chemical works well on the type of rug you have. If you purchase any rug cleaning agent from the store, you never know whether it will clean the stain or cause critical damage.

Also, keep in mind to choose a reliable and experienced rug cleaning service. Inexperience cleaning staff uses wrong detergent, technique, and excess water that damage the carpet. If you don’t want to replace your rug soon, you need to keep your rug in food care. And you can do that by choosing highly trained 8×10 area rug cleaning services such as Green Carpet Brooklyn.

Steps For 8x10 Area Rug Cleaning

Green Carpet Brooklyn conducts 8×10 area rug cleaning and restores it to its original condition. Here is how they will clean your area rug:

Step 1: Arrival

When you contact Green Carpet in Brooklyn, they will immediately arrive at the doorstep for rapid inspection. The professional team takes a review of the house. Then they will carefully cover the infected area rug and move it to the rug cleaning facility. After removing the rug from the floor, they will clean the surface. If there is heavy furniture near the rug, the technician will clean it around and underneath it.

Step 2: Pre-Cleaning

After carefully inspecting the rug in the facility under the supervision of a highly trained technician, cleaning experts will start the cleaning process. They will dust out the excess dirt from the rug surface. Furthermore, they will use an advanced vacuum cleaner to remove harmful contaminants from the surface. The vacuum that the 8×10 area rug cleaning service uses is highly efficient than the normal vacuum cleaner that you use at home.

Step 3: Deodorizer / Sanitizer

After dust removal, professionals will deodorize and sanitize the rug to remove pet stains and odor. This procedure removes allergens from the rug that are responsible to trigger allergies. Also, it kills bacteria and other harmful microorganisms from the carpet.

Step 4: Carpet Cleaning Process

Green Carpet Brooklyn cleans the rug with the Hot Water Extraction technique. The water in this method enters deep inside the fibers and rinse off the dust, dirt, and other contaminants. With the help of steam, the technician will refresh the carpets and rugs fibers. Furthermore, the extraction phase removes residue from the carpets. This leaves the rug refresh and clean.

Step 5: Spot Removal

If the technician notices that the hot water extraction left the stain, they will use the stain removal treatment method. They will also use special or deep cleaning treatment methods to remove the stain from the rugs.

Step 6: Post-Inspection

Once the carpet is clean and stainless, our technician will inspect the rug again. They will notice every detail to bring the rug in new condition. Furthermore, they will also check for your comments and rework on the carpet if anything is left.

Green Carpet Brooklyn is a professional 8×10 area rug cleaning company in Brooklyn. They have highly trained and experienced technicians with years of experience to keep the rug clean and damage-free. Give us a call if you want to contact our experts and get your area rug clean.

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