Green Carpet Brooklyn

Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning Services

Oriental rug cleaning in is a specialized art, and Green Carpet Brooklyn can provide exactly the quality of care your rugs need.

Area rugs often provide a splash of color or a decorating focal point to a room. Larger rugs will often serve in place of carpeting while smaller rugs can break up a monochrome expanse of wall to wall to make the room more personal.

Getting a carpet or rug clean is only part of the picture; another important part is doing so safely. Our company uses only green, organic cleaning agents:

  • Green cleaning products prevent allergic reactions that often result from the use of chemical carpet cleaners.
  • Neither children nor pets will be harmed by our cleaning methods.
  • Organic cleaners, based on natural plant products, will not cause harm to your carpet or rug.

We also have a team of highly trained, efficient carpet technicians that will restore the beauty of your house or apartment quickly and economically.


Most Oriental rugs are prized possessions, and very often represent a significant monetary investment. The best Oriental rugs are made of silk or wool, and will require the correct knowledge, as well as cleaning products, to assure their safety while they are being treated. Green Carpet Brooklyn has trained personnel who understand how to clean any Oriental rug:

  • Chinese rugs
  • Persian rugs
  • Turkomen rugs
  • Kurdish rugs
  • Afghan rugs

Additionally, Green Carpet Brooklyn can also provide the special care and service that an antique rug might require including repair and restoration. Many antique Oriental rugs will show their age with damaged fringes, rips, worn spots, and holes. It is often possible to restore a rug to its former condition with skilled restoration.


When your prized area rug requires cleaning, you will want to make sure that the service you choose will both clean and preserve the integrity of your rug. Green Carpet Brooklyn supplies the most advanced green rug cleaning in the borough of Brooklyn:

  • Green, organic cleaning products make sure that your rug is cleaned completely, but gently, to preserve the delicate silk or wool fibers.
  • Our personnel have been trained in every aspect of Oriental rug cleaning, so that regardless of whether you own a new rug or an antique, it will be returned to you in perfect condition.

If you have noticed that your area rugs are in need of cleaning and care, we can schedule a free consultation at your convenience. Green Carpet Brooklyn is ready to attend to the needs of both new and antique rugs.

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