Green Carpet Brooklyn

How to Remove Coffee Stains from a Wool Carpet

How to Remove Coffee Stains from a Wool Carpet

Coffee stains are the worst. Spilled coffee can be difficult to get out of your carpet, and unfortunately, many people do knot know the proper way to get the coffee out of the carpet before it becomes a stain. The following tips will help you to remove the coffee stains from a wool carpet.


First, you need to realize that these types of stains can set very quickly, so you do not have time to waste once the coffee has been spilled. If you let the coffee dry, it is going to cause a stain that is going to be much more difficult to remove from the carpet.

You will want to use a paper towel or a clean white cotton cloth to blot at the area where the coffee has been spilled as quickly as possible. You must remember that you need to blot the area rather than trying to rub it dry. If you were to rub the coffee, it is just going to cause a stain that is much worse and more difficult to remove.

You will need to continue using clean towels to blot gently until new towels are no longer able to absorb liquid.


If you can still see the spot at this point, you will want to use an eyedropper to add drops of white vinegar, which you will then blot up in a similar manner. This will help to transfer the remaining coffee color out of the spot on the carpet.


In some cases, you might have a coffee stain that you did not know about until it was dry and too late to clean using the above method. You might have other stains as well that need to be cleaned. While you can use wet-dry vacs and shampooers, you might also want to consider using a professional service to help get your carpets as clean as possible.