Green Carpet Brooklyn

5 Ways to Remove Carpet Stains and Grime

5 Ways to Remove Carpet Stains and Grime

It doesn’t matter whether it was the kids and their new paint set, the muddy feet of the dog, the glass of red wine, that piece of pizza that wasn’t supposed to even leave the kitchen…all of these things can spell disaster for a carpet. However, there are very few situations in which a carpet cannot be saved from a permanent stain or grimy marks. The key is to accept that an incident of some sort is bound to occur. There are few homes where a carpet is put in place and remains there throughout its entire life without at least one stain occurring. So, accept that you’ll need to tackle stains and grime, and you’ll already be one step ahead of the game.


The first tip is to have all the tools you’ll need to tackle a spill or stain of some sort as soon as it occurs. The basic array of tools you’ll want on hand at all time include:

  • Clean white cloths
  • An array of carpet stain cleaners
  • Dry cleaning solvent (non-flammable)
  • Club soda
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Can of shaving cream
  • Household iron

With just those tools, you should be able to eliminate most stains.


When a stain occurs, you cannot wait around to tackle it. No matter what you are doing, it is best to push the pause button and get right on that stain removal. Generally, you’ll want to clean up whatever has been spilled or dropped onto the carpet, using one of the towels. Sopping up all of the fluid and material is best.

Never rub or scrub, just blot until most of the materials are gone.


If a stain has set in, you’ll need to use the “dull edge of a knife or a spatula. Scrape up or vacuum away as much residue as you can.” This is true whether it is mud, food, or an animal mess. Then you can begin to address spot removal.


Know what to use based on two factors – the type of rug and the type of stain. Most cleaners and treatments are deemed safe, but always test a small area to ensure it is not going to harm the rug. For greasy or oily stains, inks and paints, and combinations like coffee with cream or lipsticks, use a dry cleaning solvent. For water soluble stains like soft drinks, candy, mud, and juice, use a “teaspoon mild detergent and one teaspoon white vinegar with one quart water”. That method also works for pet urine. For lighter grease stains, you can use shaving cream that you dry with a hair dryer or baking soda left in place for five hours before vacuuming.

Blood is trickier and requires a “paste of water and cornstarch that you let dry and then brush off.” Always sponge blood away with cool water after 15-30 minutes as warm or hot water actually sets in a blood stain.


The good news is that no matter what kind of stain you are facing, spot removal is a potent force and you can use any cleaning agent (dry cleaning solvent, stain remover, grease remover, etc.) along with this treatment:

Soak a cloth with the cleaner you are using for the stain (i.e. degreaser for grime or grease, stain remover for red wine, etc.)
Blot the stain from the outer edge and inward. Use only a clean area of the cloth as you go.
Repeat until most of the stain is removed.
Rinse the area with water and blot excess moisture.
Cover with a dry and clean cloth and/or sprinkle with baking soda to help remove odors and trap any lingering stain
Lastly, if all else fails, it is time to call in a professional to offer you expert help with stains, grime and general cleaning.